MH370: Disappearing Aircraft Subject and Analysis: A Versatile and Convincing Handling of Events

MH Disappearing Aircraft review A versatile and convincing x
MH Disappearing Aircraft review A versatile and convincing x

MH370: The Disappearing Plane is a documentary series that follows one of the largest and most mysterious disappearances in aviation history. The series airs on Netflix. MH370: Disappearing Aircraft subject and analysis: A multi-faceted and convincing treatment of events..

MH370: Disappearing Aircraft Subject

On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur airport in Malaysia and departed for Beijing on a routine redeye flight with 239 passengers and crew.

However, just as the aircraft was leaving Malaysian airspace and entering Vietnamese airspace, it regained all contact with the ground and disappeared from all radars. The flight disappeared with no warning or clue and was eventually considered to have crashed into the Southern Indian Ocean.

Over the next nine years, various individuals, including some close relatives on the flight, plunged into their own investigations to find out what had happened after the very vague and unsatisfying investigation by the Malaysian government.

Multiple theories have been put forward and different possible evidence has emerged, but the mystery behind who was behind it and exactly where the plane went missing is still active.


The series of documents is comprehensive and clear in presenting all the key moments regarding the timeline of the disappearance and the ensuing investigation.

There are multiple perspectives and theories that solidify the significance of the mystery while simultaneously displaying the facts that disprove each theory.


The series initially focuses on family members who were truly affected by this tragedy, but as it shifts its focus to speculative theories, it drifts away from the fact that many people still suffer from this problem.

The pacing of the chapters also feels a little longer than it should, and while the mystery is quite gripping, there are moments where one can get dragged.


MH370: The Disappearing Plane is a comprehensive account of one of the great mysteries of recent history, and while it can be a bit exaggerated and boring at times, its subject matter is rigorous and raises more questions about this fateful flight.