Ankara Metropolitan Municipality 500 TL Natural Gas Assistance – Başkent Card Aid Application

ankara metropolitan municipality natural gas aid
ankara metropolitan municipality natural gas aid

Many people are wondering how to make an application for Ankara Metropolitan Municipality aid inquiry and Ankara Metropolitan Municipality 500 TL aid. We have searched for you how to apply for Başkent Card assistance.

Ankara Metropolitan Municipality announced that it will provide 500 TL natural gas aid support. You can find what you are wondering about this aid as the Mid-Winter Support Package in the continuation of our content.

The state provides assistance to families in need in many different categories. Within the scope of natural gas consumption support, many families with low income were helped. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality will also provide 500 TL natural gas aid to families in winter.

To benefit from this assistance, you must have the Capital Card. Thanks to Başkent Card, you can benefit from many aids such as food aid, wood aid, stationery aid for every family. Payments are scheduled for mid-November and December. After you have made your application, you can follow your application on the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality aid inquiry screen.

Başkent Natural Gas Assistance Application

You can apply for natural gas assistance to be provided by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality through many channels. Many aids are organized by aid associations, municipalities and foundations in Ankara. So, where to apply for natural gas?

  • Social Services Department,
  • Women's Clubs,
  • Life Centers,
  • Municipalities,
  • You can apply by going to Başkent Card and Social Assistance Centers.

In addition, in order to apply for natural gas assistance, it will be sufficient to apply for a Başkent Card. Follow the steps below to apply for natural gas assistance online.

After you have written your personal information in the application form, indicate that you have created an application for natural gas assistance in the section that writes the Application Text.

In the file section, you can upload your income document, identity information, insurance document and the document showing the net income in the household.

After all the information is written completely and correctly, simply click on Submit Application.

Ankara Natural Gas Assistance Application Conditions

Families with no financial situation can request natural gas assistance. Ankara Municipality did not specify any conditions as application conditions. However, applications from families with low income and unable to meet their basic economic needs will be accepted. If the per capita income falls by 1/3 of the minimum wage or if it is less than this figure, these families can apply for an application. Those whose applications are accepted can benefit from 500 TL natural gas assistance.

To make an application, it will be sufficient to fill out the Application form on the official website created by Ankara Municipality. In addition, people who apply for Başkent Card can also benefit from this assistance. After applying for Başkent Card, it will be sufficient to contact the Municipality by calling.

Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Capital Card Application

Aid provided by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is credited to Başkent Card. In this way, many citizens can easily reach their help. You can benefit from a lot of help after you apply for the Başkent Card. If you follow the steps below for Başkent Card application, you will have completed your application;

  • First, you need to click on the link and select the phrase "Click to apply for a social assistance card" on the page that comes up.
  • You will then be prompted to enter personal information such as your credentials, first name, last name, and mobile phone.
  • After your personal information, your family information and health information are requested.
  • After this information, you can complete your application by clicking on the submit application option.