Last Minute: 5,3 Magnitude Earthquake in Niğde Bor

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Last Minute 5,3 Magnitude Earthquake in Niğde Bor

An earthquake with a magnitude of 13.27 occurred at 5,3:7 in the Bor district of Niğde. AFAD announced that the earthquake occurred at a depth of XNUMX kilometers.

AFAD announced that an earthquake with a magnitude of 13.27 occurred at 5,3, the epicenter of which was the Bor district of Niğde.

There was no destruction or loss of life in the earthquake, which was also felt in the surrounding provinces.

Is the earthquake in Bor a leading earthquake?

Participating in the live broadcast of NTV after the earthquake, Geologist Prof. Dr. Okan Tüysüz says:

The Bor area had been shaken before. It is one of the earthquakes that have been in Niğde for many years. I think it's the same area… This is the southern end of the fault system, which we call the Tuz Gölü fault system, which is over 200 km long.

After two major earthquakes, there is a change in the balance of all faults in Turkey. I think it is an earthquake activity that develops in this context. I don't think this will be a precursor to an earthquake to worry about."