12 Months Old Babies Competed in Crawling Competition in Tuzla

Monthly Babies Competed in the Crawling Competition in Tuzla
12 Months Old Babies Competed in Crawling Competition in Tuzla

Tuzla Mayor Dr. There was an excitement for report cards at the Mother Child Education Center, which was established by Şadi Yazıcı to contribute to the personal development of children aged 0-3, to get to know themselves and for the mothers who brought them to receive training in the branch they wanted. The crawling competition of 12-month-old babies who participated in the 'I'm playing with my baby' event in the report card ceremony was the scene of colorful moments. As a result of the competition, in which President Yazıcı also participated, the babies were given their first report cards.

In Tuzla, the excitement of report cards was experienced at Tuzla Municipality Mother Child Education Center, where children between the ages of 3-6 were able to contribute to the personal development and where mothers who brought their children to the course could receive training on the subjects they chose in their own fields. Tuzla Municipality Mayor Dr. Şadi Yazıcı, his wife, one of the founding volunteers of Gönül Elleri Çarşısı, Dr. Fatma Yazıcı, Tuzla District Director of National Education Dr. Ahmet Alireisoğlu attended. The first event of the report card ceremony was the crawling contest for 8-month-old babies.

President Yazıcı and his wife, Dr. The event, which Fatma Yazıcı also watched, was the scene of colorful images. While the babies were crawling towards their mothers, the mothers also had exciting moments. President Yazıcı presented report cards and gifts to the babies and their mothers who completed their education. In the second event, small shows of AÇEM students took place. President Yazıcı and his wife Dr. Fatma Yazıcı presented report cards to 10 students as their representation.

“The foundation of the family is mother and child”

Making statements during the program, Tuzla Mayor Dr. Şadi Yazıcı said, “Pre-school education is very valuable. The mother is the greatest teacher in the learning process that begins in the mother's womb and in the process until the age of 6-7. Being able to receive an education without leaving the mother provides a special value to the Mother Child Education Center. The mother is the most important factor in character formation until the age of 6-7. We are also proud to be in the top 5 places in Istanbul in pre-school education. The family is a core structure that has no alternative in society. The foundation of the family is the mother and the child. The child for the future is the mother to protect the present. Half of the society is women, and it is women who raise the other half. Therefore, Mother Child Education Centers are very valuable to us. I think that the education, cohesion, solidarity, and every bit of information that children have received for the future is very valuable. It is very valuable for us that mothers also have a hobby.”

“We are in the top 5 in preschool enrollment rate”

Tuzla District Director of National Education Dr. Ahmet Alireisoğlu said, “While our students receive education, mothers can continue their education on the other side. In this sense, this project is a very different and valuable project for Turkey. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our president for his support for this project. We started this project with 26 students. We are currently in the top 5 in terms of pre-school enrollment in Istanbul districts,” he said.

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