Eye Contour Problems Cause Tired Expression!

Eye Circumference Problems Cause Tired Expression
Eye Contour Problems Cause Tired Expression!

Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Nurcan Gürkaynak gave information about the subject. Your beauty will be reflected in your eyes thanks to oculoplastic surgery, which is applied to correct the disorders affecting the eye and related to the eyelid. Before any intervention to the eye area, which is the most sensitive area of ​​our body, patients should be sensitive. In addition to the fact that the center, where oculoplastic interventions and applications such as botox are performed, has sterile and state-of-the-art devices, the selection of experienced doctors trained in this field plays an important role in achieving the desired results. For this reason, it is very important to do the necessary research before such operations. It is used in solving these problems. With the effect of years or congenital eyelid disorders can be easily treated with oculoplastic surgery.

Problems such as droopy lids, bags under the eyes, age-related changes, ingrown eyelashes, tumors and injuries of the eyelids, turning the lid in or out, and facial paralysis can cause people to look unhappy and tired. If these problems are not treated, they can directly affect the visual field and quality. Thanks to the oculoplastic surgery methods we apply to solve the problems around the eyes, they can achieve a much younger and happier appearance. Get a younger look with Botox Botox applications such as eye aesthetics also attract great attention. Botox, a medical protein; It is a method applied in the treatment of strabismus, around the eyes, between the eyebrows and forehead wrinkles, as well as in the treatment of neck lines, nose tip lifting and thin and superficial wrinkles on the lips. Botox, which is a safe method, is applied as a cosmetic solution, not in the form of surgery, unlike oculoplastic interventions.

Kiss. Dr. Nurcan Gürkaynak said, “Operational processes The processes of oculoplastic surgical interventions and the issues that patients should pay attention to. Valve surgeries are performed in an average of 1 hour in the operating room with local anesthesia and sedation support. Before the surgery, planning the surgery correctly and sharing the technique to be applied by the doctor in detail with the patient are among the sine qua non for the success of the surgery. In addition to the eye functions examination to be performed before the surgery, a detailed eye examination is also performed if necessary. In the first two days after the surgery, the eyelids and swelling around them are normal. Ice is applied on the first day to reduce these swellings. In addition to these, antibiotics, anti-swelling drugs and painkillers will also help to overcome this process easily. Especially in the first two days after discharge, patients are recommended to rest at home, and then the condition of the person is followed up with controls. The most important point is choosing the right specialist and center. Eyes are the most sensitive organs of the body, and detailed research should be done before any surgical intervention in this area. Oculoplasty applications are interventions that require great care due to the nature of the eyes, which are the area where it is performed. A wrong application by the doctor or the sterility of the center can lead to infections and loss of vision. For this reason, patients need to be sure that the latest technologies are used in the health center where the application will be made, the experience of the physician and all kinds of medical materials used are special for them. However, operations performed by oculoplasty trained and experienced ophthalmologists will yield healthy results in centers where these conditions are met. "said.

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