How to Play Bowling?

how to play bowling
how to play bowling

Bowling is a type of ball game consisting of a ball with three holes, which must be held with the thumb, ring finger and middle fingers and hit the pins lined up on the opposite side. Bowling pins by the public skittle or pine is also called. Bowling, which is very popular all over the world and is liked by the public, is a very entertaining game that is preferred by the people because it resembles a kind of marble game. There are some points to consider before bowling shots. Here are the little rules that you need to pay attention to during the game phase;

  • First of all, after performing all the necessary procedures for shooting, the shoulders should be adjusted towards the target. You can shoot more easily and accurately after you achieve this order according to yourself.
  • After placing the bowling ball in your hand It is very important to keep the wrist upright. At this point, if you push your wrist back, the ball will either hang to the sides or rise to the ceiling. For this reason, it is very important to keep your wrist firm and upright.
  • Before starting the game, you can adapt to shooting more easily by bending your knees slightly.
  • You should keep the elbow part of the arm you will shoot close to the hip by pulling back well.

While some players who are skilled in bowling argue that shooting should not be aimed at the pins in any way, some players prefer to keep their eyes on the pin while shooting. When you have the ball in your hand, you should be able to move it freely without any obstacles in front and behind. Otherwise, you cannot make the shot you want. If your shoulders are pointing downwards and your wrist is bent backwards after placing the ball in your hand, this indicates that the ball is heavy. In this case, you have to continue shooting with a different ball.

In this game, you have to know very well where to drop the ball. The ball in your hand should swing from the level of your slipping foot onto the line. If you are right handed, you should slide with your left foot, and if you are left handed, you should slide with the right foot. the ball especially 2 inches away from your ankle must be.

How to Play Bowling?

  • It is a game that can be played individually or in groups. The main goal here is to knock down the target pins and reach the highest numbers.
  • Consisting of 2 trial chances per member 10 framesmeans that the team or individual has the right to shoot in the game.
  • In bowling, even if the players do not strike in 1 frame, they must definitely hit and complete the frame in the 2nd shot.
  • Strike shots are used after the last frame shots. and a second shot is awarded.

The Most Frequently Asked Bowling Terms

Strike: All pins are knocked down on the first shot. It is the shooting technique with the highest score. This shot is represented by the symbol "X" in bowling.

Save: is when the pins are completely finished after the second inning. Its symbol in the game is expressed as the “/” symbol.

Split: is the standing of two or more pins from the first innings. In other words, they are the pins remaining at the beginning and end of the lineup. The case of having two pins on the left and one on the right is exactly a split example.


SportsStop. "Sports Terms". Accessed June 5, 2022.

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