Dental Health of the Expectant Mother Affects the Baby's Development

The dental health of the expectant mother affects the development of the baby
The dental health of the expectant mother affects the development of the baby

Oral and dental health problems faced by expectant mothers who experience mental and physical sensitivity during pregnancy also significantly affect the dental development of their babies. For this reason, you need to brush your teeth at least twice a day and have dental check-ups before you get pregnant and during pregnancy to ensure that you and your baby's tooth development is healthy. Dt. from Memorial Service Hospital Oral and Dental Health Department. Hacer Esved Alireisoğlu gave information about what should be considered about dental health during pregnancy.

Do not miss calcium during pregnancy

The belief in the society that the expectant mother will lose teeth due to calcium loss during pregnancy is a false belief. Expectant mothers who do not neglect dental care before and during pregnancy do not face any dental problems during their pregnancy. Neglected teeth before pregnancy and neglected dental care during pregnancy cause oral and dental problems in expectant mothers. For this reason, expectant mothers should brush their teeth at least 2 times a day before getting pregnant and start the pregnancy with healthy teeth, and during pregnancy, they should be fed with protein, vitamins A, C and D and calcium.

Don't let your junk food habit cause gingivitis

During pregnancy, expectant mothers feel excessive cravings for sweets and junk food. After consuming these foods, the teeth are often not brushed. This creates a suitable environment for tooth decay. Even after vomiting in the first months, expectant mothers do not pay enough attention to oral care. Due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone hormone levels, which are one of the most important changes in oral health during pregnancy, your gum tissues react to plaque and the plaque that is not removed from the teeth causes gingivitis, which we call "pregnancy gingivitis". In this picture, the gingiva is quite red, increased in volume, tender and bleeding. There is also a risk of developing inflammatory lesions called “pregnancy tumors” as a result of irritation of gingival enlargements. The source of the growths is thought to be excessive plaque accumulation. Usually, these growths will disappear after pregnancy when left alone. These disorders, which prevent chewing, brushing and other oral care processes and cause discomfort to the person, are treated by a specialist dentist.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day

Expectant mothers can prevent gingivitis by keeping their teeth clean. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day and an effective oral and dental health can be achieved by using regular dental floss. In terms of the continuity of oral health, it should be supported by regular nutrition, especially by taking vitamins C and B12. Regular professional cleaning will reduce the formation of plaque and tartar, so the development of gingivitis can be prevented. When plaque control is achieved, the risk of pregnancy tumor is also reduced.

Do not use unconscious drugs during pregnancy

Unconscious medicine should never be used for toothaches during pregnancy. Because the drugs that the specialist dentist does not recommend can adversely affect both the baby's dental health and general body development.

Consume these foods for your baby's teeth development

Tooth development of babies begins while they are still in the womb. During this period, expectant mothers who need to pay attention to a balanced diet for both their own health and the development of their baby's teeth; in terms of protein, vitamin A (meat, milk, eggs, yellow vegetables and fruits), vitamin C (citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries), vitamin D (meat, milk, eggs, fish) and calcium (dairy and dairy products, green leafy vegetables) rich foods should be preferred. In addition, after the baby is born, dental cleaning should begin with the appearance of the first tooth in the mouth. Mothers' knowledge of nutrition and oral hygiene is one of the first stages of their child's lifelong healthy teeth.

Leave your non-urgent dental treatment to postpartum

Routine dental examinations and cleaning can be done during pregnancy. However, non-urgent procedures should only be performed in the 4th and 6th months of pregnancy. Emergency treatments accompanied by severe toothache can be done at any stage of pregnancy. However, when it comes to anesthesia and drug use, an obstetrician should be contacted. Transactions that can be postponed should be left until after delivery. Dental X-rays should only be taken in an emergency. Although the amount of radiation given in x-rays taken in dentistry is very low and not very close to the abdomen, a lead apron should be used to prevent the developing baby from receiving radiation.

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