Guest Post

What is a Boutique Hotel?

Boutique hotels, which have experienced a great boom in recent times, are in greater demand than ever. However, in general, the qualities that boutique hotels should have are: [more…]

First message from the central bank president fight
06 Ankara

First Message from Central Bank Governor Kavcıoğlu

Central Bank Governor Şahap Kavcıoğlu started his duty. Kavcıoğlu, in his written statement, stated that the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey is the fundamental principle of ensuring a permanent decrease in inflation within the framework of its duties and powers determined by law. [more…]

Guest Post

Hijab Clothing Blouse Models

One of the fashion products that you can choose in every season is the blouse model. You can easily access these fashion products that attract great attention in the field of hijab clothing. Both stylish and [more…]