Covid-19 Pandemic Affects Mental Health of Children and Adolescents

Covid pandemic affects the mental health of children and young people
Covid pandemic affects the mental health of children and young people

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect the mental health of children and young people as well as adults. Children and young people who continue their education even at home can now exhibit behaviors such as crying, introversion, anger control and aggression because they cannot express themselves during this change process.

Reminding that adults have important responsibilities to protect the mental health of children and young people in this process, expert Psk. Ezgi Ünal says, "Adults should not forget that spending time for hobbies, doing activities with children and spending quality time, which we define as spending quality time, are the keys to protect the mental health of both themselves and their children."

The mentally healthy life of adults largely depends on their childhood period. Knowing well the problems and traumas of the person during childhood also helps in solving future problems. Psychologist Ezgi Ünal, one of the experts of, states that "A healthy life is only possible with the completion of each development period one by one," states that if problems occur in one of these periods, which have their own unique characteristics and conflicts, it is thought that the next stages will also be affected.

Reminding that childhood is the age when the foundations of the character are laid, and youth is the years when the individual takes the first step into adulthood and identity formation begins. Ezgi Ünal points out that the period of youth, in which young people question their existence and frequently ask them why, carries the risk of developing important mental illnesses. Psychologist Ezgi Ünal, one of the experts of, says that the researches show that even under various risk conditions, a significant number of children do not have a severe mental disorder, but 18 percent of all children have behavioral problems.

Technology addiction increased during the Covid-19 period

Underlining that the Covid-19 epidemic, which the whole world has fought, has become an uncontrollable problem for children and young people as well as affecting the lives of adults, experts Psk. Ezgi Ünal continues his words as follows: “Young people who spend much time at home, like adults, are more intertwined with technology and internet… Moreover, they continue their education online. During this period, while young people and children are trying to cope with negative thoughts such as technology addiction and anxiety, unfortunately they cannot express their feelings in words like adults. Instead, they try to express themselves through behaviors such as crying, introversion, anger control, and aggression. In this process, adults have responsibilities to protect the mental health of children and young people. Adults need to spend limited time with technological devices such as television, tablet and phone as role models for children and young people.

Because technology addiction increases in this period. Adults should not forget that in order to protect their mental health and that of their children, spending time for hobbies, doing activities with children, and spending quality time are key to awareness and awareness. Our children are the security and future of the society… For this reason, it is very important to protect their mental and physical health. "

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