Şefkat Battalgazi Pınarlı Kuşsarayi and Baskil Stations Energy Supply Tender Result

Şefkat Battalgazi Pınarlı Kuşsarayi and Baskil Stations Energy Supply Tender Result
Şefkat Battalgazi Pınarlı Kuşsarayi and Baskil Stations Energy Supply Tender Result

Şefkat Battalgazi Pınarlı Kuşsarayi and Baskil Stations Energy Supply Tender Result

5 companies submitted bids for the tender for the tender of the TCDD 2020th Region Purchasing Directorate (TCDD) with the number of 402911/995.179,29 KIK for the Energy Supply of Compassion Battalgazi Pınarlı Kuşsarayi and Baskil Stations with an approximate cost of 25 TL and GIZA ARCHITECTURE with a bid of 738.959,00 TL MÜH İNŞ TUR LTD won. 110 firms participating in the tender submitted bids below the limit value.

The tender covers the works of drawing energy to 5 stations and installing a transformer of 100 kva power. The duration of the work is 150 (one hundred and fifty) calendar days from the place delivery.

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