butcesi black deli donusen tcdd billion million pounds has been damaged
06 Ankara

TCDD 2 Billion 558 Million Losses

TCDD, whose Budget Turned into a Black Hole, Lost 2 Billion 558 Million Liras; The losses of the Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD) have increased. The State whose budget has turned into a black hole for years [more…]

honored trams of konyas
387 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Konya's Veteran Trams Carry Bosnians

Konya's Veteran Trams Carry Bosnians; The trams, which made their first trip in Konya in 1992 and were brought from Germany, were transferred to Saray, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the decision taken during the Tahir Akyürek period. [more…]

transport to ankara
06 Ankara

Transportation Workshop in Ankara

Transportation Workshop in Ankara; The transportation workshop to be held on Wednesday, November 20, hosted by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, will be held with the participation of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavaş. [more…]