Why We Should Produce Domestic and National Brand Products

domestic and national brand products must produce
domestic and national brand products must produce

Turkey, past the terrorists to clear the north of Syria on Wednesday launched the Peace Operation Spring.

Country of economic attrition of employees in the US and European countries, successively announced that they stop arms exports to Turkey.

First US F-35 interests of Turkey announced that the aircraft program. And then announced economic sanctions that would bring the steel import quota from Turkey did. The world's sixth largest exporter of steel in Turkey, entered the quest to trade with other countries after the US and EU import quotas.

4 The defense export value of the European country is 311 million euros. Weapons from Germany 243 million euros describing the country will not sell, France million euros 45.1, 17 million euros, Finland, Norway doing 6 million euros while exports of arms to Turkey.

Manisa investment decision of the German Volkswagen has announced that it postponed the decision to build a new factory in Turkey.

When we launched a Cyprus landing in 1974, the USA and Europe again imposed an embargo and thus national companies such as ASELSAN, TAI and ROKETSAN were established.

Years ago, I do not buy Israeli Heron UAV and makes his own through sihai Turkey, between the first three entries in the world making great strides in this area.

Currently in the field of defense industry domestic and nationality rate 70 percent. 70 in domestic and nationality rate in the field of rail transportation systems. 70% in the automotive industry.

After the Cyprus launch, the Turkish industry is struggling to increase domestic and national production.

For this reason, we must develop our local and national industry and increase the number of national brand productions. These embargoes are an important opportunity for us to invest more in our local and national industry. We must create hundreds more local and national companies from all over Turkey, such as ASELSAN, TUSAŞ, ROKETSAN, BAYKAR MAKİNA, FNSS, HAVELSAN, STM, BMC, VESTEL, OTOKAR, ARÇELİK, TÜMOSAN, DURMAZLAR, BOZANKAYA, AKIN SOFT … and the like. We must transform every penny that will go abroad into our national industry by investing domestically, and we must protect and develop all our industrialists who produce local and national brands, hand in hand, as the state and the nation.

Dr. Contact Ilhami directly