What is Catenary Worker? Salary, Job Opportunities and Occupation Code

What is the profession of catenary labor, salary, job opportunities and profession code
What is the profession of catenary labor, salary, job opportunities and profession code

You can find information about salary, definition, what job does, how to work, what job code and job opportunities.

Profession Information

Occupation Code: 8312.09

Occupation Name: Catenary Worker

Group Information

M. Main Group: Plant and Machine Operators and Installers

M. Sub Main Group: Drives and Mobile Plant Operators

M. Group: Locomotive Engine Drivers And Related Employees

M. Unit Group: Railway Brakes, Signaling And Switch Operators

Minimum Training Level Required: Primary education

Profession Details

What is the Job Description?

It is the person who provides maintenance, repair and operation of electrification systems on the railway route.

Duty and Process Steps: Catenary Worker, in accordance with the general working principles of the enterprise, using tools, equipment and equipment effectively, in accordance with the occupational health, safety and environmental protection regulations and the efficiency and quality requirements of the profession:

- To eliminate the faults determined on the railway route by catenary supervision,
-To prepare the necessary materials according to the type of faults reported by the control center,
- To put the prepared materials in the team car and to go to the place of failure to rectify the failure,
- To make line checks,
-Remove malfunction of catenary wires broken along the way,
- Renewing the poles broken by accident from the electricity poles on the railway route,
- Performing electrical maneuvers in all kinds of malfunctions and maintenance works,
- Intervene immediately in case of malfunctions. etc. perform tasks and operations.

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