Antalya Tram Map
07 Antalya

Antalya Metro To Be Performed After 2019

The metro project, which Antalya Metropolitan Municipality plans to add to city transportation, is postponed after 2019. Mayor Menderes Türel said that Antalya Metro will be presented as a promise in the 2019 elections. life in Antalya [more…]


YHT and the new university gospel

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, in his speech in Sivas, gave the good news of YHT and a new university to the people of Sivas. Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, mass opening and groundbreaking ceremony held in Sivas Cumhuriyet Square [more…]

konya yht gari

Konya Reaches YHT Station

Mevlana and High Speed ​​Train City, Konya, YHT Gar'a meet. TCDD General Manager İsa Apaydın, 2 at Konya YHT Train Station, which is under construction on Wednesday, August [more…]