35 Izmir

e-RAIL project closing meeting held

e-RAIL project closing meeting was held: "e-RAIL" vocational training program accepted by the European Commission within the scope of the Erasmus+ Program of the Railway Construction and Operation Personnel Solidarity and Cooperation Association (YOLDER) [more…]


Head of the Metro has a Metro Project

Mayor Şahin Has a Metro Project in Her Target: Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Fatma Şahin has implemented the projects carried out by the Metropolitan Municipality within 2,5 years by non-governmental organizations and [more…]

20 Denizli

Denizli people loved the ropeway

Denizli people loved the cable car: The cable car and plateau project was implemented to further enrich the social lives of Denizli residents and enable them to spend time in environments intertwined with nature. [more…]

08 Artvin

Tender for Rize Artvin Airport

The tender for Rize-Artvin Airport will be held tomorrow: 15 days will be held today for the tender of Rize-Artvin Airport, which will be the third airport in the world and the second in Turkey, to be built on the sea using the fill method. [more…]

06 Ankara

Sivas will meet at the end of 2018

Sivas will have the high-speed train at the end of 2018: Governor Gül, "The high-speed train that the people of Sivas have been waiting for will hopefully come to our city at the end of 2018." Sivas Governor Davut Gül, "The people of Sivas will have [more…]

Intercity Railways

Trained car in Horasan district of Erzurum

The train mowed down the car in Horasan district of Erzurum: According to the information obtained, the accident took place in Horasan district of Erzurum. The Eastern Express Kars-Erzurum passenger train is located in Şerefiye Mahallesi. [more…]

81 Japan

Japan is coming faster than a plane

Japan is coming with a faster train than an airplane: Japan, which brought the high-speed train to the agenda about 60 years ago, is now preparing to break a record with its new maglev. Featured on CNNinternational.com [more…]