35 Izmir

Traffic in Izmir and Halkapinar

Attention Izmir residents, traffic regulations will be made in Bostanlı and Halkapınar: Due to the regulations to be made in Bostanlı and Halkapınar, the roads will be closed in the area where the work will be carried out. Izmir's main transportation backbone is rail [more…]


MOTAŞ Personnel, Training Given

Training was given to MOTAŞ personnel: Training was given to MOTAŞ personnel on "Safe and Efficient Driving Techniques". MOTAŞ continues its training seminars. Held at Malatya Metropolitan Municipality Conference Hall [more…]

16 Bursa

Disruptions in Bursaray

Disruptions in Bursaray: Due to the disruption of services as a result of unnecessary use of "emergency" buttons in light rail system vehicles in Bursa, citizens were asked to be sensitive about this issue. Light rail in Bursa [more…]