35 Izmir

I'm not İZBAN alone,

İZBAN is not the only one that went to court: Apart from İZBAN, İzdeniz and İzmir Metro AŞ, which were among the companies that suffered losses during last year's public transportation chaos, are also in İzmir. [more…]

48 Poland

Pensive woman sitting under the tram

An absent-minded woman got stuck under the tram: A woman who wanted to cross the tram track in Poland almost paid the price for her absent-mindedness with her life. The distracted woman got stuck under the tram! Tramway in Poland [more…]

34 Istanbul

Marmaray Excavations

Marmaray Excavations: A conference titled "A View of Istanbul Archeology from Marmaray Excavations" was organized by the Archeology Department of Düzce University Faculty of Arts and Sciences within the scope of the 10th Anniversary Activities. In the Republic Conference Hall [more…]

86 China

Investment from China to Kars

Investment from China to Kars: Caucasus University (KAU) Continuing Education Application and Research Center Directorate, on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of Turkey-China diplomatic relations, [more…]